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Getting Ready To Meditate


You can sit on a golden cushion in a serene, beautiful meditation room, with a glass of Himalayan mineral water, gong music playing in the background, with the gentle smell of incense and seventeen other people around you raising the vibration to the highest possible level.


Or you could sit on a busy tube train, being jostled left and right, with the announcer constantly interrupting, three different base lines from three different iPods thumping in the background, the smell of someone’s coffee very appealing, the smell of someone else’s BO less appealing, and of course someone treading every so often on your feet.


It is up to you where you meditate.  I used to actually meditate best on the Tube because it fitted into my schedule, plus there are some nice ways to use the excess energy on a Tube.  I actually found it quite difficult to meditate in a quiet, still place after that.  I’ve meditated on beaches, in Buddhist temples, in bed, on the sofa, lying down, pretty much everywhere.  Here is some general advice on meditation, but please use what works for you.


When I am finding it difficult to meditate, usually because I am very emotional, I find it helps to be in a natural place; a park, a wood, on a beach.  The sound of waves supposedly lifts your state anyway so this might actually be the best place to meditate.


I also find that visiting a place where others are meditating or praying, a temple or church, can be helpful.


It helps to be comfortable, but not too comfortable, unless you are happy to drift off to sleep.


It helps not to be in a rush.  Although you can always set an alarm and this is quite a nice way of letting go of time.


It helps to be physically relaxed, not too hungry or too full, not thirsty.


Music can be helpful, such as the gong meditations, or white noise too, the sound of the washing machine can be quite helpful - likewise the sound of a Tube train.  Sometimes if it is quiet you can be very aware of every small noise.


Some people use particular positions of the body - various types of sitting cross legged, or lying down, and what some people suggest is useful is also a thing called mudrā which is a configuration of the hands.  You’ve probably seen people in a classic meditation pose with their fingers arranged in a certain way.  Some people believe this aids meditation.  Sometimes I touch my thumb to the inside joint of my second finger in (nearest the nail end), sometimes I sit with my elbows by my side, hands in the “thumbs up” position which is another way you can do it.


(You’ll have to excuse me a moment - all this talk of mudrā has got me looking at my fingers, and I’ve realised there is a certain amount of chocolate on them from earlier - oops!)


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